Ann Blair Brownlee
Associate Curator, Mediterranean Section, Penn MuseumAdjunct Assistant Professor of the History of Art at Penn
abrownle@upenn.edu(215) 898-6556
Office 351C, Mediterranean SectionRead Bio

Clark L. Erickson
Professor of Anthropology at Penn Curator-in-Charge of the American Section at the Penn Museum
cerickso@sas.upenn.edu(215) 898-2282
Office 436, University MuseumRead Bio

Grant Frame
Professor of Assyriology, Curator of the Babylonian Section of the Penn Museum
230, Penn MuseumRead Bio

Renata Holod
College of Women Class of 1963 Endowed Term Chair in the HumanitiesProfessor of the History of Art at Penn Curator of the Near East Section at the Penn Museum
rholod@sas.upenn.edu(215) 898-8714
Office 301, Jaffe BuildingRead Bio