Since 1989, Richard Zettler has been the director of Penn's excavations at the site of Tell es-Sweyhat, located on the east bank of the Euphrates in northern Syria. In addition to his work on Tell es-Sweyhat, he continues his long-standing interest in the meshing of textual sources and material culture to build more holistic histories of ancient Mesopotamia. Dr. Zettler co-curated the Museum's traveling exhibit "Treasures from the Royal Tombs of Ur" and is also involved in other major Museum projects including efforts to make more of the collections from excavations at Ur available to other institutions and the restoration of the Urnamma Stele.
Richard L. Zettler

Associate Professor of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at PennAssociate Curator-in-charge of the Near East Section at the Penn Museum 898-7461
Office 523, University Museum