Ann Brownlee's research interests focus on Greek vase-painting, particularly Archaic Corinthian and Attic black-figure. She is preparing a study of the Archaic Corinthian pottery from the so-called Potters' Quarter at the site of Ancient Corinth. In 2016, she was a Kress Publication Fellow at the American School of Classical Studies and spent the spring semester in Athens and Corinth. With AAMW alumna Valentina Follo, she is currently conducting a study of the Museum’s collection of Attic black-figure pottery from excavations in the 1890s in the Etruscan city of Orvieto. She is also interested in 19th century collectors of antiquities, especially in Philadelphia, and in the history of museums, in particular the University of Pennsylvania Museum and its building; she was co-author of its monumental Historic Structure Report. Ann Brownlee is also the co-director of the Museum’s Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum project and is editing and preparing for publication two volumes in the series.
Ann Blair Brownlee

Associate Curator, Mediterranean Section, Penn MuseumAdjunct Assistant Professor of the History of Art at Penn 898-6556
Office 351C, Mediterranean Section