A guide to pre-doctoral sources of funding

This page offers a list of possible sources of funding for graduate students. The guide is divided into four sections encompassing fellowships for students still doing coursework, fellowships for students doing dissertation research, fellowships for students writing their dissertations, and a section on short-term fellowships and grants. This guide is always a work in progress and more fellowships are continuously being added.

Funding for Coursework

Supports U.S. citizens in a doctoral program, though not dissertation research. Applicants must be from the following groups: Alaska Natives (Eskimo or Aleut), Black/African Americans, Mexican Americans/Chicanas/Chicanos, Native American Indians, Native Pacific Islanders (Polynesian/Micronesian), and Puerto Ricans.

Duration of fellowship: three years

Application deadline: mid-November


Fellowships Office, Keck 576
500 5th St., NW
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 334-2872


Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, be enrolled in a graduate program at Penn, and have research or career plans that require the use of the language to be studied. FLAS applications are available through the specific languages programs through which these courses are offered. These include the Middle East Center, the Center for East Asian Studies, the Department of South Asian Studies, and the African Studies Center.

Duration of fellowship: one year

Application deadline: early to Mid February


contact individual language departments


Provides graduate fellowships to students, particularly those who conduct collection-based research and excavation in association with the Penn Museum. 

Duration of fellowship: two years

Application deadline: Students are nominated by their graduate groups. Dossiers are usually due in January-February.


Boren Fellowships support students pursuing the study of languages, cultures, and world regions that are critical to U.S. national security but are less frequently studied by U.S. graduate students (i.e., areas of the world other than Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand), and who are highly motivated by the opportunity to work in the federal government. Fellowships fund overseas or domestic study, or a combination of both.

Duration of fellowship: up to two semesters

Application deadline: late January


Boren Scholarships and Fellowships
Institute of International Education
1400 K Street, NW, 7th Floor
Washington, DC 20005--2403
1-800-618-NSEP (6737)
Email: boren@iee.org


Funds MA and PhD research for US citizens, nationals and permanent residents.  Undergraduates and students in their first or second year of an MA/PhD program may apply (although they are only eligible to apply once).

Duration of fellowship:

Application deadline:  October

Duration of fellowship: three years

Application deadline: October


Fellowships at the Price Lab that allow students to devote one year to activities at the lab and research in order to gain skills and experience in technologically innovative research. 

Duration of fellowship: one year

Application deadline: February


Funds graduate study for students in arts, humanities or social science. Candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and must not yet have completed the first year of graduate study.

Duration of fellowship: Up to two years

Application deadline: early October


U.S. Department of Education,
OPE Teacher and Student Development Programs Service
Jacob K. Javits Fellowships Program
1990 K Street, N.W., 6th Floor Washington, DC 20006-8524
Tel: (202) 502-7542


To be eligible, the candidate must be (i) a naturalized American, (ii) the child of naturalized Americans or (iii) a green-card holder less than 30 years of age at the time of the application. Candidates cannot be beyond their second year of graduate study.

Duration of fellowship: up to two years

Application deadline: early November


400 West 59th Street
New York, New York 10019
Tel: (212) 547-6926


Long-term funding for dissertation research

The American Academy in Rome is a center that sustains independent artistic pursuits and humanistic studies. It is situated on the Janiculum, Rome's highest hill. Each year, through a national competition, the Rome Prize is awarded to 15 emerging artists (working in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Design, Historic Preservation and Conservation, Literature, Musical Composition, or Visual Arts) and 15 scholars (working in Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance and early Modern, or Modern Italian Studies). Rome Prize fellowships are designed for emerging artists and for scholars in the early or middle stages of their careers. In the case of scholars, preference is given to applicants for whom research time in Italy, and especially in the city of Rome, is essential, and who have not had extensive prior experience there.

Duration of fellowship: eleven months or two years

Application deadline: early November


American Academy in Rome
7 East 60 Street
New York, New York 10022-1001
(212) 751-7200


Available to doctoral candidates at U.S. colleges and universities in all fields of study. Junior Research Fellowships are specifically designed to enable doctoral candidates to pursue dissertation research in India. Junior Research Fellows establish formal affiliation with Indian universities and Indian research supervisors.

Duration of fellowship: up to eleven months

Application deadline: early July


American Institute of Indian Studies
1130 East 59th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637
Tel: (773) 702-8638


Sponsors travel to and research in the Scandinavian countries.

Duration of fellowship: up to one year

Application deadline: early November


The American-Scandinavian Foundation
58 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10016
Tel: (212) 879-9779


Awards several fellowships each year, with the exception of the Anna C. and Oliver C. Colburn Fellowship, which is awarded every other year. These fellowships are generally offered to students in doctoral programs or to recent recipients of the Ph.D.

Duration of fellowship: up to one year

Application deadline: early November


Archaeological Institute of America
Boston University
656 Beacon Street, 4th Floor
Boston, MA 02215-2006
Tel: (617) 353-9361


The AAC's Humanities Fellowship Program funds doctoral students in the humanities to undertake research, training, and study in Asia in the following fields: archaeology; conservation; museology; and the theory, history, and criticism of architecture, art, dance, film, music, photography, and theater. The AAC's Japan-United States Arts Program

Duration of fellowship: up to nine months

Application deadline: early February (preliminary letter of inquire due earlier)


Asian Cultural Council
437 Madison Avenue, 37th Floor
New York, New York 10022-7001
Tel: (212) 812-4300
Fax: (212) 812-4299


Offers up to one year of research support at the Freie Universitat Berlin. The program is open to scholars in all social science and humanities disciplines, including historians working on the period since the mid-19th century. It accepts applications from U.S. and Canadian nationals or permanent residents. Applicants for a dissertation fellowship must be full-time graduate students who have achieved ABD status by the time the proposed research stay in Berlin begins. Also eligible are U.S. and Canadian Ph.D.s who have received their doctorates within the past two calendar years.

Duration of fellowship: up to one year

Application deadline: early December


Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies
Freie Universitat Berlin
Garystr. 45 14195
Berlin Germany
Tel: 49 30 838 56671


The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts (CASVA) offers nine fellowships. Each has specific requirements and intents, including support for the advancement and completion of a doctoral dissertation, for residency and travel during the period of dissertation research, and for postdoctoral research. Application for a predoctoral fellowship may be made only through nomination by the chair of the graduate department of art history or other appropriate departments. To be eligible, the nominee must have completed all departmental requirements, including course work, residency, and general and preliminary examinations. Certification in two languages other than English is required. Candidates must be either United States citizens or enrolled in a university in the United States.

Duration of fellowship: one to three years

Application deadline: mid-October


Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts
National Gallery of Art
2000B South Club Drive
Landover, Maryland 20785
Tel: (202) 842-6480


Fellowships require scholars to conduct research in more than one country, at least one of which hosts a participating American overseas research center: the American Academy in Rome; the American Center of Oriental Research in Amman; the American Institute for Maghrib Studies (Tunisia and Morocco); the American Institute for Sri Lankan Studies; the American Institute for Yemeni Studies; the American Institute of Bangladesh Studies; the American Institute of Indian Studies; the American Institute of Iranian Studies; the American Institute of Pakistan Studies; the American Research Center in Egypt; the American Research Institute in Turkey; the American School of Classical Studies at Athens; the Center for Khmer Studies, the Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute; the Mexico-North Research Network, the Palestinian American Research Center; the West African Research Association (West African Region); and the W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in Jerusalem. Given changing restrictions to many countries, applicants should contact CAORC before preparing a proposal. The program is open to U.S. doctoral candidates and scholars who have already earned their Ph.D. in fields in the humanities, social sciences, or allied natural sciences and wish to conduct research of regional or trans-regional significance.

Duration of fellowship: one year

Application deadline: mid-January


Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC)
Multi-Country Research Fellowship Program
P.O. Box 37012
NHB Room CE-123, MRC 178
Washington, D.C. 20013-7012


The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) offers fellowships funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for dissertation research in the humanities in original sources. The program offers about ten competitively awarded fellowships per year, each providing a monthly stipend for 8-12 months. Fellows receive an additional grant after participating in a symposium on research in original sources and submitting an acceptable report to CLIR on the research experience.

Duration of fellowship: eight to twelve months

Application deadline: mid- November


Mellon Fellowships
Council on Library and Information Resources
1755 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202) 939-4750


Sponsors doctoral students wishing to study or to do research in Germany. Grants are awarded primarily to highly qualified PhD candidates, but also to Master's degree holders and post-doc researchers for research or a course of study and training at universities or other institutes.

Duration of fellowship: one to ten months, with the possibility of extension

Application deadline: mid-November


DAAD 871
United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 758-3223


Supports graduate work in any recognized field of study in the humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences (including law, medicine, engineering, architecture or other formal professional training) and scholarly publications focusing on Armenian studies and culture. Fellowships are restricted to graduate students who are United States citizens attending an accredited institution of higher education within the United States. The program of study need not be limited to Armenian studies, and candidates can be of any national descent. Applications must be submitted through the dean of the university. The Fund also makes grants to support the publication of dissertations, historical or literary works focusing on Armenian culture or history. Additional conditions apply. Applicants must be nominated by the University, so interested students should contact the graduate chair.

Duration of fellowship: one year (renewable)

Application deadline: late January; nominations usually happen earlier


Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund
c/o Edward L. Jones, Vice President
JPMorgan Private Bank Philanthropic Services
345 Park Ave., 4th Floor
New York, New York 10154

The Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection is an international center for scholarship, providing resources for study and publishing scholarly works in Byzantine, Pre-Columbian, and Garden and Landscape Architecture Studies.

Duration of fellowship: one semester or one academic year

Application deadline: early November


Office of the Director
Dumbarton Oaks
1703 32nd Street, NW
Washington, DC 20007


Fulbright grants are available to more than 100 countries in Europe, the Near East, Africa, Central and South America, and the Asia/Pacific region. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. Penn students must apply through the university.

Duration of fellowship: one academic year

Application deadline: mid-September


Cheryl Shipman Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships
The ARCH, 3601 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6224
Tel: (215) 746-6488


Provides grants to colleges and universities to fund individual doctoral students to conduct research in countries outside of Western Europe in modern foreign languages. Restricted to U.S. citizens and permanent residents who intend to teach in the United States after completing their degree. Students must apply through Penn's Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships (CURF).

Duration of fellowship: six to twelve months

Application deadline: early November


Cheryl Shipman Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships
The ARCH, 3601 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6224
Tel: (215) 746-6488


Supports short periods of residence and research at the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum; recipients are expected to take part in the life of the Research Center. Scholarships are awarded to (a) doctoral candidates who have fulfilled all preliminary requirements for the Ph.D. and are under the direction of a faculty member from their own institution, (b) scholars who hold a doctorate or comparable degree and/or experience, and (c) museum professionals.

Duration of fellowship: three to twelve months

Application deadline: late November


Georgia O'Keeffe Museum Research Center
217 Johnson Street
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Tel: (505) 946-1002


Sponsors U.S. citizens who are no more than 35 years old to conduct research in Germany. The scholarship provides for a stay of one year in Germany for professional development, study, or research. Applicants design individual projects and select institutions at which institutions to pursue them. Successful candidates have come from such fields as business, government, social and policy sciences, law, journalism, communications, management, finance, economics, architecture, public service, humanities, arts and environmental affairs.

Duration of fellowship: one year

Application deadline: late October


Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
US Liaison Office
1012 14th Street NW, Suite 301
Washington, DC 20005
Tel: (202) 783-1907


Awarded annually to a scholar, from any field, whose work will help promote the extended and complementary use of the British Library's book and cartographic collections in historical investigation. The Fellow will be treated like a member of staff (i.e. not restricted to reading room hours) and will be provided with his/her own work-station, with an e-mail account and access to the Internet. Preference will be given to proposals that relate to the Library's collections and have an international dimension. The fellowship may be held as a full or part-time appointment.

Duration of fellowship: six to twelve months

Application deadline: early May


Peter Barber
Head of Map Collections
Map Library, The British Library
96 Euston Road London, NW1 2DB, U.K.

Meant to assist graduate students in any stage of Ph.D. dissertation research or writing. The grants may be carried out in residence at the Fellow's home institution, abroad, or at another appropriate site for the research. The fellowships, however, may not be used to defray tuition costs and may not be held concurrently with any other major fellowship or grant.

Duration of fellowship: one academic year

Application deadline: early November


American Council of Learned Societies
633 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10017-6795
Tel: (212) 697-1505


The Institute of Historical Research (IHR) offers fellowships funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for dissertation research in the humanities in original sources. The purposes of the fellowship program are to help doctoral candidates who may otherwise not have opportunities or encouragement to work in original source materials in the humanities in the United Kingdom; help doctoral candidates in the humanities to deepen their ability to develop knowledge from original sources; provide insight from the viewpoint of doctoral candidates into how scholarly resources can be developed most helpfully in the future.

Duration of fellowship: one year

Application deadline: early January


Institute of Historical Research
University of London Senate House
London WC1E 7HU
Tel: 020 7862 8747


The International Dissertation Field Research Fellowship (IDRF) program provides support for social scientists and humanists conducting dissertation field research in all areas and regions of the world. Up to fifty fellowships are awarded per year. The program is administered by the Social Science Research Council in partnership with the American Council of Learned Societies. Funds are provided by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The IDRF awards enable doctoral candidates of proven achievement and outstanding potential to use their knowledge of distinctive cultures, societies, languages, economies, polities, and histories, in combination with their disciplinary training, to address issues that transcend their disciplines or area specializations. The program supports scholarship that treats place and setting in relation to broader phenomena as well as in particular historical and cultural contexts.

Duration of fellowship: nine to twelve months

Application deadline: early November


IDRF Program
Social Science Research Council
810 Seventh Avenue, 31st Floor
New York, NY 10019


Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships provide support for emerging scholars to complete work on projects related to the Getty Research Institute's annual theme. Recipients are in residence at the Getty Research Institute, where they pursue research to complete their dissertations or to expand them for publication. Fellows make use of the Getty collections, join in a weekly meeting devoted to the annual theme, and participate in the intellectual life of the Getty Center.

Duration of fellowship: one academic year

Application deadline: early November


Attn: Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowships
The Getty Foundation
1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90049-1685
Tel: (310) 440-7374


Funds graduate students for one year of research or study in Japan. The purpose of the fellowships is to support future American educators who will teach more effectively about Japan. One fellowship is awarded per year. Applicants may affiliate with Kobe College for their award year, however this is not a requirement.

Duration of fellowship: one academic year

Application deadline: early January


KCC Japan Education Exchange
188 West Randolph Suite 1809
Chicago, IL 60601
Tel: (312) 364-9336


Winterthur awards four semesters of McNeil funding each year. Applicants may apply for one semester or for the academic year. This fellowship is intended to support dissertation research in Winterthur's collections and so is particularly appropriate for candidates in the earlier stages of a project.

Duration of fellowship: up to two academic years

Application deadline: mid- January


Winterthur Museum & Country Estate
Route 52 Winterthur DE 19735
Tel: 800-448-3883


Provides grants for Japanese and non-Japanese scholars of the arts of East Asia, including support for dissertation research overseas. Grants are intended as seed money for new projects or as supplements to other income. Students must complete all requirements for the Ph.D. except the dissertation by March first prior to the grant period.

Duration of fellowship: varies

Application deadline: late December


6-3 Okazaki Saishoji-cho
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8342
Tel: (81-075) 752-5570 or (510) 528-9460 (for English-language inquiries)
Fax: (81-075) 752-5570 or (510) 528-6351 (for English-language inquiries)

The Metropolitan Museum of Art offers annual resident fellowships in art history to graduate students at the pre-doctoral level as well as to postdoctoral researchers. Projects should relate to the Museum's collections. The fields of research for art history candidates include Asian art; arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas; antiquities; arms and armor, costumes; drawings, illuminated manuscripts; paintings, photographs, prints, sculpture, textiles, and Western art. Some art history fellowships for travel abroad are also available for students whose projects involve firsthand examination of paintings in major European collections.

Duration of fellowship: three to twelve months

Application deadline: early November


Fellowship Program in Art History
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
1000 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York 10028-0198
Attn. Marcie Karp


The Samuel H. Kress Foundation offers two types of predoctoral fellowships. There are fifteen to twenty Kress Travel Fellowships in the History of Art for travel required for the completion of dissertation research on European art. Dissertation research must focus on European art before 1900. Other fellowships require a two-year research appointment with a foreign institution, pre-selected by the foundation. The fellowships are restricted to pre-doctoral candidates in the history of art. Nominees must be U.S. citizens or individuals matriculated at an American university. Candidates must be nominated by their art history department.

Duration of fellowship: variable (Kress Travel); two years (Kress Institutional)

Application deadline: departmental deadline normally mid-October


Samuel H. Kress Foundation
174 East 80th Street
New York, NY 10021
Tel: (212) 861-4993


Support research on the art and visual culture of the United States. Fellowships include a stipend plus research and travel allowances. The standard term of residency is twelve months, but shorter terms are considered; stipends are pro-rated for periods less than twelve months.

Duration of fellowship: up to one year

Application deadline: mid-January


Amelia Goerlitz, Fellowship Administrator
SAAM Fellowship Office
Smithsonian American Art Museum
MRC 970, PO Box 37012
Washington DC 20013-7012
Tel: (202) 275-1557


The Albright provides 50 awards annually. Fellowships are open to those in ancient Near Eastern studies, including the fields of archaeology, anthropology, art history, epigraphy, historical geography, history, language, literature, philology and religion and related disciplines from prehistory, through the early Islamic period. The research period should be continuous, without frequent trips outside the country. Residence at the Albright is normally required; it is sometimes possible to accommodate dependents.

Duration of fellowship: varies

Application deadline: varies


Dr. Joan R. Branham
Chair Albright Fellowship Committee
Department of Art and Art History
Providence College
Providence, RI 02918
Tel: (401) 865-1789


The Albright provides 50 awards annually. Fellowships are open to those in ancient Near Eastern studies, including the fields of archaeology, anthropology, art history, epigraphy, historical geography, history, language, literature, philology and religion and related disciplines from prehistory, through the early Islamic period. The research period should be continuous, without frequent trips outside the country. Residence at the Albright is normally required; it is sometimes possible to accommodate dependents.

Duration of fellowship: varies

Application deadline: varies


Dr. Joan R. Branham
Chair Albright Fellowship Committee
Department of Art and Art History
Providence College
Providence, RI 02918
Tel: (401) 865-1789


ARCE administers fellowships for study in Egypt by students enrolled in doctoral programs at North American universities and by post-doctoral scholars and professionals affiliated with North American universities and research institutions.

Duration of fellowship: three to twelve months

Application deadline: early January


American Research Center in Egypt
Emory University Briarcliff Campus
1256 Briarcliff Road, NE Building A,
Suite 423W
Atlanta, Georgia 30306
Tel: (404) 712-9854


ARIT directly supports and administers a variety of fellowship for scholarly research and for language study in Turkey. Programs for U.S.-based scholars and graduate students include the ARIT, Kress, Erim, NEH, and the ARIT-Princeton Summer Language Program at Bogazici University in Istanbul. ARIT Fellows come from all regions of the country and represent many fields of the humanities and social sciences. ARIT fellowships support individual research projects in ancient, historical, and modern times in all fields of the humanities and social sciences that must be carried out in Turkey.

Duration of fellowship: two months to one year

Application deadline: early November


University of Pennsylvania Museum
3260 South Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6324
Tel: (215) 898-3474


The American School of Classical Studies at Athens is the principal resource in Greece for American scholars conducting advanced research on the language, literature, art, history, archaeology, and philosophy of Greece and the Greek world from pre-Hellenic times to the present. Each year the School, its programs, and its facilities welcome some 400 graduate students and scholars from over 160 affiliated North American colleges and universities.

Duration of fellowship: up to twelve months

Application deadline: mid- January


The American School of Classical Studies at Athens
6-8 Charlton Street
Princeton, NJ 08540-5232
Tel: (609) 683-0800


Sponsors research by promising scholars whose dissertations focus on areas traditionally supported by the Graham Foundation: architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, architectural technologies, architectural research, architectural history and theory, urban design and planning, and-in some circumstances-the fine arts.

Duration of fellowship: one year

Application deadline: mid-March


Carter Manny Award Committee
Graham Foundation
4 West Burton Place
Chicago, IL 60610-1416
Tel: (312) 787-4071


The French Government awards about 20 scholarships a year to Ph.D. candidates in the humanities or social sciences enrolled in American universities.

Duration of fellowship: nine months

Application deadline: mid- January


Ambassade de France aux Etats-Unis
Service de CoopÂŽration Universitaire, Linguistique et Educative
Bourses Chateaubriand
4101 Reservoir Road, NW
Washington, DC 20007
Tel: (202) 944-6448


Provides support for research in the field of Chinese Studies in the humanities and social sciences. Applicants should have completed all other requirements for their Ph.D. degree except the dissertation. In addition, eligible applicants should not be employed or receive grants from other sources.

Duration of fellowship: one to two years

Application deadline: mid-October


The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation
8361 B Greensboro Dr.
McLean, VA 22102
Tel: (703) 903-7460


Predoctoral and postdoctoral grants for travel to and residence in Venice and the Veneto. Grants are awarded for historical research specifically on Venice and the former Venetian empire, and for study of contemporary Venetian society and culture. Disciplines of the humanities and social sciences are eligible areas of study, including (but not limited to) archaeology, architecture, art, bibliography, economics, history, history of science, law, literature, music, political science, religion, and theater.

Duration of fellowship: one academic year

Application deadline: mid- December


The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation
521 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1612
New York, New York 10175-1699
Tel: (212) 687-0011


Doctoral Fellowships give doctoral candidates in the humanities and social sciences, including comparative research projects, the opportunity to conduct research in Japan for periods ranging from 4 to 12 months. Applicants must have completed all academic requirements except the dissertation when they begin the fellowship and are expected to have sufficient proficiency in the Japanese language to pursue their research in Japan. Higher priority will be given to applicants who expect to submit their dissertation shortly after the completion of their fellowship. Three letters of reference, an evaluation of Japanese-language ability, and academic transcripts must accompany all applications.

Duration of fellowship: four to twelve months

Application deadline: early November


The Japan Foundation, New York
152 W 57th Street, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10019
Tel: (212) 489-0299


Fellows receive office space in the Center's quarters at the heart of the University of Pennsylvania's historic campus, and library, computer, and other privileges at the University. Limited travel funds for research are also available. While no teaching is required, all McNeil Center fellows are expected to be in residence during the academic year and to participate in the Center's program of seminars and other activities. While a limited number of shorter-term awards may be made, all candidates should apply for a nine-month appointment.

Duration of fellowship: nine months

Application deadline: mid-March


The McNeil Center for Early American Studies
University of Pennsylvania
3619 Locust Walk, 3d Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6213


The Academy offers three types of dissertation research fellowships: The Birgit Baldwin Fellowship in French Medieval History, the Schallek Fellowship, and Medieval Academy Dissertation Grants. The Baldwin Fellowship provides a grant to support a graduate student in a North American university who is researching and writing a significant dissertation for the Ph.D. on any subject in French medieval history that can be realized only by sustained research in the archives and libraries of France. It may be renewed for a second year upon demonstration of satisfactory progress. Because of the renewable nature of the fellowship, applications are solicited on a biannual basis. The Schallek Fellowship provides a one-year grant to support Ph.D. dissertation research in any relevant discipline dealing with late-medieval Britain (ca. 1350-1500). Medieval Academy dissertation grants support advanced graduate students who are writing Ph.D. dissertations on medieval topics. The grants help defray research expenses such as the cost of travel to research collections and the cost of photographs, photocopies, microfilms, and other research materials.

Duration of fellowship: one to two academic years

Application deadline: mid- October


The Medieval Academy of America
104 Mount Auburn St., 5th Floor
Cambridge, MA 02138


Supports research relating to the history, art, architecture, and archaeology of the Greco-Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman past in Turkey.

Duration of fellowship: nine months

Application deadline: mid-December


Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations
c/o Prof. Scott Redford
History Department, Koç University
Rumeli Feneri Yolu 34450 Sarõyer
Istanbul, Turkey


Long-term funding for dissertation writing

Supports work on Southeast Europe: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, and Serbia and Montenegro (including Kosovo). Applicants may propose comparative work considering more than one country of Southeastern Europe or relating Southeast European societies to those of other parts of the world. The fellowships are intended to support dissertation writing in the US after research is complete, although short visits to the countries of Southeastern Europe may be proposed. Funds awarded may not be used in Western Europe. Approximately ten fellowships are available per year. Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States.

Duration of fellowship: one year

Application deadline: early November


Office of Fellowships and Grants
American Council of Learned Societies
633 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10017-6795


The Alice Paul Center and Women's Studies Program offers dissertation fellowships for Penn SAS graduate students at the dissertation stage. Applicants must be working on a dissertation related to women or gender. Students who have already received a GSAS dissertation fellowship are not eligible for the WSTD/APC fellowship. Prior unsuccessful applicants for the APC/WSTD fellowship may apply again. The fellowships offer tuition plus a stipend and benefits comparable to that offered with the GSAS dissertation fellowships for that academic year.

Duration of fellowship: one academic year

Application deadline: late January


Alice Paul Center
411 Logan Hall/6304


Available to women who will complete their dissertation writing between July 1 and June 30 of the following year. To qualify, applicants must have completed all course work, passed all required preliminary examinations, and received approval for their research proposal or plan. Open to applicants in all fields of study except engineering. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

Duration of fellowship: one academic year

Application deadline: mid-November


AAUW Educational Foundation
American Fellowships
PO Box 4030
Iowa City, IA 52243-4030
Tel: (319) 337-1716


Intended to help MFA, terminal MA, and PhD students bridge the gap between graduate study and professional careers.

Duration of fellowship: two years

Application deadline: mid- January


College Art Association
275 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10001
Tel: (212) 691-1051


Designed to encourage original and significant study of ethical or religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences. In addition to topics in religious studies or in ethics (philosophical or religious), dissertations might consider the ethical implications of foreign policy, the values influencing political decisions, the moral codes of other cultures, and religious or ethical issues reflected in history or literature.

Duration of fellowship: one year

Application deadline: early November


Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
P.O. Box 5281
Princeton, NJ 08543-5281
Tel: (609) 452-7007


The Erasmus Institute, an international Catholic center for advanced studies at the University of Notre Dame, was founded to foster mainstream academic research that draws on the intellectual traditions of the Abrahamic faiths. The Institute offers residential fellowships for advanced graduate students in the writing phase of the dissertation. The Fellowships are provided for a complete academic year, although applications for a single semester will be considered. Fellowships are both stipendiary and nonstipendiary. The institute also welcomes applications for residence from scholars with funding from other sources.

Duration of fellowship: normally one academic year

Application deadline: late January


Erasmus Institute Residential Fellowships
1124 Flanner Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556-5611
Tel: (574) 631-9346


The Five College ABD Fellowship Program provides a year in residence at one of the campuses-Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and Smith colleges and the University of Massachusetts Amherst-for graduate students in the final phase of the doctoral degree. The chief goal of the program is to promote diversity in the academy by enabling more scholars of underrepresented groups to embark on an academic career with their doctoral degree completed. By furnishing a stipend, housing, and other benefits, the program allows fellows to focus on completing their dissertations. The program also strives to encourage their interest in college teaching while here, and acquaints them with these schools.

Duration of fellowship: one academic year

Application deadline: early December


Five Colleges, Inc.
97 Spring Street
Amherst MA 01002
Tel: (413) 256-8316


Supports doctoral students expecting to complete their dissertations the following academic year. Eligible applicants are U.S. citizens from the following groups: Alaska Natives (Eskimo or Aleut), Black/African Americans, Mexican Americans/Chicanas/Chicanos, Native American Indians, Native Pacific Islanders (Polynesian/Micronesian), and Puerto Ricans.

Duration of fellowship: nine to twelve months

Application deadline: early December


Fellowships Office, GR 346A
National Research Council of the National Academies
500 Fifth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Tel: (202) 334-2872


Supports dissertations in the natural and social sciences and the humanities that promise to increase understanding of the causes, manifestations, and control of violence, aggression, and dominance. Highest priority is given to research that can increase understanding and amelioration of urgent problems of violence, aggression, and dominance in the modern world. Applicants may be citizens of any country and studying at colleges or universities in any country.

Duration of fellowship: one year

Application deadline: early February


The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation
25 West 53rd Street
New York, N.Y. 10019-5401


Hiram College is a private, coeducational, residential, selective liberal arts college located in northeast Ohio. The Dissertation Fellowship position is modeled on the successful example of similar positions at other residential liberal arts colleges. Candidates must be in the late stages of a research-based doctoral program, needing only to complete a dissertation. The area of dissertation research may be in any liberal arts discipline, but preference will be given to a discipline strongly connected with academic programs at Hiram. Candidates must be citizens of the United States, and members of one of the following minority groups: Alaska Natives, Black/African Americans, Native American Indians, Native Pacific Islanders, Hispanic. The Hiram Dissertation Fellow will be expected to complete her/his dissertation and to teach half-time (normally three courses per year). The initial appointment will be for one year, with the possibility of continuation for up to two additional years. Fellows are also expected to deliver two College-wide lectures each year and to participate in the life of the College and the community.

Duration of fellowship: one to three years


Chair, Minority Fellow Search Committee
P. O. Box 67
Hiram, OH 44234

Currently located at the School of Foreign Service of Georgetown University in Washington, DC, the Institute of Turkish Studies (ITS) is a non-profit, private educational institution devoted solely to the advancement of training, research, and teaching in the field of Ottoman and modern Turkish Studies. Its grants are intended for advanced students who have finished the research stage of their dissertation; they may not be used for dissertation research. Grants are awarded only to applicants who certify that they will not be involved in teaching beyond the half-time level. As a condition of acceptance, any grantee whose teaching load exceeds this level agrees to refund the grant to ITS.

Duration of fellowship: one academic year

Application deadline: early March


The Institute of Turkish Studies
Intercultural Center
Box 571033 Room # 305 R Georgetown University
Washington, D.C. 20057-1033


Supports PhD candidates in all disciplines who have completed all requirements for that degree by the time of the application and who will complete and defend his/her dissertation at the end of the fellowship year. The fellowship is open to both American and foreign students enrolled at any university in the United States.

Duration of fellowship: one academic year

Application deadline: late January


Judy McClain
P.O. Box 3389
San Dimas, California 91773
Tel: (909) 592-0607


Graduate Curatorial Internships at the National Gallery provide in-depth training for advanced Ph.D. students and recent Ph.D. recipients interested in gaining curatorial experience in a museum setting. Graduate curatorial interns work with curators on permanent collection or exhibition projects and attend a weekly museum seminar that introduces Gallery staff, departments, programs, and functions. Duties and responsibilities are comparable to those of curatorial assistants.

Duration of fellowship: one academic year

Application deadline: early January


Department of Academic Programs
Division of Education
National Gallery of Art
2000B South Club Drive
Landover, MD 20785


Supports the completion of a dissertation on South Asia. The fellowship covers stipend and fees for an ABD student in any graduate group at Penn who is within three years of their Ph.D. exams.

Duration of fellowship: one year

Application deadline: late March


SARS Graduate Chair
Dr. Aditya Behl
820 Williams Hall
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104/6305


Two-year predoctoral fellowship funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for an outstanding doctoral candidate who wishes to pursue a curatorial career in an art museum. The fellowship offers invaluable curatorial training and provides the scholarly and financial resources required for completing the doctoral dissertation. It is awarded to a student working on a dissertation that pertains to one of the major strengths of the Frick Collection and Library. The Fellow is expected to divide his or her time between the completion of the dissertation and activities in the curatorial department. Applicants must be within the final two years of completing their dissertation.

Duration of fellowship: two years

Application deadline: early January


Mellon Curatorial Fellow Search
Office of the Chief Curator
The Frick Collection
1 East 70th Street
New York, NY 10021


Short-term fellowships and miscellaneous grants

Sponsors doctoral candidates and post-docs working on American history and culture before 1876. AAS offers short-term visiting academic research fellowships tenable for one to three months each year, as well as long-term fellowships intended for scholars beyond the doctorate.

Duration of fellowship: one to three months

Application deadline: mid-January


185 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
Tel: (508) 755-5221


Offers a grant in support of research (such as dissertation or archival research) in the Netherlands or Belgium on any subject within Netherlandic Studies. Under exceptional circumstances, an additional scholarship may be awarded. The field is broadly defined and may include research on, for example, aspects of Dutch/Netherlandish culture as they relate to Indonesia or South Africa, or research on the Afrikaans language. The grant is intended for citizens or residents of the United States who study or teach at an American university. Preference is given to those scholars who do not receive research support from their home institution.

Application deadline: mid-February


Dr. Jenneke Oosterhoff
University of Minnesota Department of German, Scandinavian, and Dutch
205 Folwell Hall
Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA


The American Numismatic Society provides three forms of financial aid for study and research: six stipends for attendance at the Society's annual Eric P. Newman Graduate Seminar in Numismatics; the Frances M. Schwartz Fellowship; and Donald Groves Fund awards.

Duration of fellowship: varies

Application deadline: mid-March


American Numismatic Society
96 Fulton Street
New York, NY 10038


Various small grants, including funding for short research trips, for dissertation-level graduate students working on projects related to Japan or Korea.

Duration of fellowship: varies

Application deadline: early February


Association for Asian Studies
1021 East Huron Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Tel: (734) 665-2490
Fax: (734) 665-3801

Internships for periods of up to four months are awarded to graduate students enrolled full time in an architecture or historic preservation program. Interns are expected to reside in Philadelphia and devote half their time to service in the department of architecture at the Athenaeum to develop practical skills in the management of architectural records. An equivalent amount of time is to be spent on the intern's own research in American architecture or building technology prior to 1860. Internships may be used in any months of the year.

Duration of fellowship: up to four months

Application deadline: January or February


Chairman, Peterson Fellowship Committee
The Athenaeum of Philadelphia
East Washington Square
Philadelphia, PA 19106-3794


Awards scholarships to university students who need to study in Rome to carry out research concerning Rome and Roman culture from the Pre-Roman period to the present.

Duration of fellowship: two to six months

Application deadline: mid-March


Fondazione Lemmermann
c/o Studio Associato Romanelli
via Cosseria, 5
00192 Rome, Italy
Tel: (39) 06 324 30 23
Fax: (39 06 322 17 88
Email: lemmermann@mail.nexus.it


In 1985 Williams College established the Gaius Charles Bolin Fellowships to underline the importance of diversity on college faculties by encouraging able minority students to complete the doctoral degree and to pursue careers in college teaching. The Bolin Fellowships enable at least two graduate students from underrepresented groups to devote the bulk of their time during the academic year to the completion of dissertation work in residence at Williams College. Named in honor of its first black graduate, who was admitted to Williams in 1885, the Bolin Fellowships will be awarded to graduate students from underrepresented groups who are working toward the Ph.D. in the humanities or in the natural, social, or behavioral sciences. The College will also provide housing assistance, academic support including office space and computer and library privileges, and an allowance for research-related expenses. During the year of residence at Williams, the Bolin Fellows will be affiliated with an appropriate department or program, and will be expected to teach one one-semester course, normally in the fall semester. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and must have completed all doctoral work except the dissertation by the end of the current academic year.

Duration of fellowship: one year

Application deadline: early January


Dean of the Faculty
Williams College
P.O. Box 141
Williamstown, Massachusetts 01267


The Penn Graduate Students Association Council provides travel grants for graduate and professional students presenting their work at professional conferences and meetings.


Graduate Student Center
3615 Locust Walk
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6221


The Huntington is an independent research center with holdings in British and American history, literature, art history, and the history of science and medicine. The Library collections range chronologically from the eleventh century to the present and includes 600,000 photographs, a half-million rare books, nearly six million manuscripts, and a large ephemera collection, supported by a half-million reference works. The Art Collections contain notable British and American paintings, fine prints, photographs, and an art reference library. In the library of the Botanical Gardens is a broad collection of reference works in botany, horticulture, and gardening. Fellowships derive from a variety of funding sources and have different terms. Recipients of all fellowships are expected to be in continuous residence at the Huntington and to participate in and make a contribution to its intellectual life.

Duration of fellowship: one to five months

Application deadline: mid-December


The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens
1151 Oxford Road
San Marino, CA 91108
Tel: (626) 405-2100


The John Carter Brown Library awards approximately twenty-five Research Fellowships each academic year. Regular John Carter Brown Library Fellowships are available for periods of two to four months. Sponsorship of research at the John Carter Brown Library is reserved exclusively for scholars whose work is centered on the colonial history of the Americas, North and South, including all aspects of the European, African, and Native American involvement.

Duration of fellowship: two to four months

Application deadline: early January


Director, John Carter Brown Library
Box 1894
Providence, RI 02912


Offers short-term grants and fellowships for students doing doctoral research on the social, communal and intellectual history of German-speaking Jewry.

Duration of fellowship: several months

Application deadline: early November


Leo Baeck Institute
15 West 16th Street
New York, NY 10011
Tel: (212) 744-6400
Fax: (212) 988-1305


Each year, the Friends of the Princeton University Library offer short-term Library Research Grants to promote scholarly use of the research collections. The Program in Hellenic Studies also supports a limited number of Library Research Grants in Hellenic studies, and the Cotsen Children's Library supports research in its collection on aspects of children's books. The Maxwell Fund supports research on materials dealing with Portuguese-speaking cultures.

Duration of fellowship: approx. one month

Application deadline: mid-January


Library Research Grant Committee
Princeton University Library
One Washington Road
Princeton, NJ 08544

The Salvatori awards are stipulated for short-term research projects in any area of Italian Studies and are open to all graduate students and standing faculty at Penn. The awards focus directly on planned research with a definite program of endeavor: this means that general academic study or "fishing expeditions" in Italy will not be considered for funding. The Salvatori awards, however, are broadly enough gauged in their intention that they can sponsor supplemental research expenses, incidental publication costs, and travel for research or for significant conference presentations not otherwise funded by the University.

Duration of fellowship: up to several months

Application deadline: late April


Center for Italian Studies
549 Williams Hall/6305


Each year SAH awards between five and ten graduate student fellowships to enable speakers engaged in advanced graduate study to attend the Society's annual meeting. Student Speakers are responsible for submitting applications to the SAH office. All fellowship applicants must be current members of the SAH.

Application deadline: early November


Kathy Sturm
Manager of Meetings and Tours
Society of Architectural Historians
1365 N. Astor Street
Chicago, IL 60610


Funding for summer study of Albanian, Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, or Romanian, intended for people who will use these languages in academic research or teaching. In most cases, proposals for beginning or intermediate level should be for attendance at intensive courses offered by institutions of higher education in the US, although, in exceptional cases, proposals for study in Southeast Europe will be considered. Proposals for study at the advanced level will ordinarily be for courses in Southeastern Europe. Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States.

Duration of fellowship: varies

Application deadline: mid-January


Office of Fellowships and Grants
American Council of Learned Societies
633 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10017-6795


Recipients must be pursuing a project in the field of North American costume. The grant includes a plus a travel component intended to allow recipients to attend the National Symposium and present the completed research.

Application deadline: early May


Stella Blum
Grant Administrator
The Costume Society of America
P.O. Box 73
Earleville, MD, USA 21919


The Ansel Adams Research Fellowship is one facet of the Institute for Photographic Research, an initiative aimed at realizing the Center's mission to be not simply a repository for materials, but a place where new knowledge about photography is created and shared, where the medium's history and traditions are studied, taught, debated, and learned. The Fellowship is intended to provide research time for scholars needing to use the archives, photograph collection, and/or library of the Center for Creative Photography. The research topic may be anything appropriate to the Center's holdings.

Duration of fellowship: two weeks

Application deadline: late October


Amy Rule
Research Fellowship Committee
Center for Creative Photography
The University of Arizona
1030 N. Olive
Tucson, AZ 85721-0103


Supports research projects relevant to an ongoing field project in Cyprus. Grants are to be used to fund a period of research time in residence at CAARI and to help defray costs of travel. Residence at CAARI is required.

Duration of fellowship: roughly one month

Application deadline: early February


CAARI at Boston University
656 Beacon Street, Fifth Floor
Boston, MA 02215
Fax: 617-353-6575


Encourages original and significant research about women that crosses disciplinary, regional, or cultural boundaries. Previous Fellows have explored such topics as women's role in African American adult literacy, women's sports, militarism and the education of American women, the urban crisis, gender and globalization in Indian film, and the dynamics of employment and childbearing. Students in doctoral programs in any field of study at graduate schools in the United States are eligible to apply. The fellowship award must be used for research expenses such as travel, books, taping, and computer services.


The Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship in Women's Studies
5 Vaughn Drive
Suite 300
Princeton, NJ 08540-6313


The Wolfsonian is a museum and research center that promotes the examination of modern material culture. The core of the Wolfsonian's holdings is an extraordinary collection of North American and European decorative arts, fine arts, propaganda, and industrial and graphic design from the period 1885-1945. The United States, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands are the countries most extensively represented. The Wolfsonian offers fellowships for full-time research on its collection, generally for periods of three to five weeks. Proposals on any theme in the humanities that can be supported by the collection are welcome. Fellowships include a stipend, accommodations, and round-trip travel.

Duration of fellowship: three to five weeks

Application deadline: late December


Fellowship Coordinator
The Wolfsonian - Florida International University
1001 Washington Avenue, 2nd Floor
Miami Beach, FL 33139
